Speaking in Volumes Cover Image

Self-publishing Made Simple & Equitable

How do I get Started?

Login and create your Publisher account at speakinginvolumes.com

What do I get for the $99 per title fee?

Zoom/Live Volume Launch

Artist/Author/Poet will receive 10 printed Volumes

Artist/Author/Poet webpage dedicated to honoring your work

1 Volume is 44-56p with Cover front/back/inside

100lb Cover


Coffee table sized at trim is 8.75”x11..5”

Print & Ship On-demand

(VIP) Video Interview Podcast

Cover merchandising integration—coming soon

Audio-volumes—coming soon

How much do I get paid?

How much do I get paid?

One-third of the Volume selling price

Each Volume is Printed and Shipped on Demand

How do I get paid?

All payments are electronic and sent directly to you.

What about wholesale pricing?

Wholesale Cost for Artist/Author/Poets is $10 per Volume + Shipping & Handling

Can be shipped anywhere in the US—relieving the pressure of traveling with boxes and boxes of your Published work.